Versión 6.1.01 (03/03/2025)
Addition of a 'Time' column to complement 'Fault' and 'Total' in the display of results for events judged on the C scale.
Added 'extended event' display for team events.
Addition of an 'incrustation' display model for the rider on the track (current_rider_graphics_1920_1080).
Displayboard template updated.
The display of rider data on the track and at the finish in team events has been corrected.
Integration of a dynamic data register allowing access to the latest static files without having to update the software.
Multi-computer timing management added.
NDI (R) High Bandwidth and Blackmagic outputs added.
The event directory for optional software is correctly taken into account.
Line breaks are correctly taken into account in pop-ups.
(VLS4728) The recalculation of the ranking after a competitor has been modified or the timing has been opened with a filter list has been optimized.
SDI output is automatically activated on software relaunch.
SQLite 3.46.1 update.
Blackmagic 14.2.1 driver update: you must update your Desktop Video (
Other corrections and optimizations.
Versión 5.1.10 (02/10/2024)
Updated display for championships.
Updated display for eventing competitions.
Other corrections and optimizations.
Versión 5.1.07 (10/07/2024)
Updated display of championship points for riders with status 'Not present'.
Other corrections and updates.
Versión 5.1.06 (03/07/2024)
Points for the first stage of deferred-time events are displayed for the competitor in the race.
Championship round columns are not duplicated.
Other corrections and optimizations.
Versión 5.1.05 (04/06/2024)
12 additional languages added.
The column 'Order - Start list' is displayed.
Addition of 'Bonus' and 'Average / 2' columns for dressage and hunter tests.
Other corrections and otpimisations.
Versión 5.1.03 (10/04/2024)
Display of results, the title of the 'Total' column is replaced by 'Time' in events judged according to scale C.
Display of the total of the team's three best times in team events judged according to scale A with deferred time.
The championship points column is not doubled in events judged according to scale C.
Other corrections and optimizations.
Versión 5.1.02 (19/03/2024)
Scenario configuration, "jumper" field display works.
Other corrections and optimizations.
Versión 5.1.01 (04/03/2024)
The program is now only compatible with 64-bit architecture.
The old key coding system is abandoned in favor of a subscription model.
Support for "Extended ranking" mode, including starting riders in the ranking zone.
Added display of FFE Super Ten events with first round judged on the A scale at deferred time.
Separate display of obstacle faults and time penalties for A scale event results.
Added display of couple performance index for FFE competitions.
Flags, support for png and jpg formats.
Displays non-synchronization details in timing software.
(VLS4420) VC Redist 2015x64 added for PCs not already up to date.
SQLite 3.42.3 update.
DynaPDF 4.0 update.
Other corrections and optimizations.
Versión 4.1.16 (01/09/2023)
Improved stability of connection to the timing window.
Configuration of the connection to the timing station, support for up to 6 careers.
Corrected quarry number registration.
Updated display of championship rounds.
Other corrections and optimizations.
Versión 4.1.05 (26/04/2023)
Displaying results from Hunter competition is now supported.
The refresh time of the data is reduced to avoid a display delay when changing the rider in the timing window.
Versión 4.1.04 (22/03/2023)
The data of the events in the second and higher slots are well taken into account.
Versión 4.1.02 (15/03/2023)
Fixed the display of the field "First name Last name" of the riders.
Other corrections and optimization.
Versión 4.1.00 (28/02/2023)
(VLS3775) The window adapts to the Windows zoom.
The size of the images is retrieved when selecting an image.
Added additional information concerning access to the test file: connection in progress, existence/access to the file, test of read/write rights, the timing window has never been opened, the software versions differ.
(VLS3298) Support for png images and transparency.
The last available version test is performed again when launching the software.
The Blackmagic output is stopped before the refresh is stopped.
(VLS3707) Update of the protection key driver (v8.51), update of the installation program (v6.1).
Update of the certificate of signature of the application.
SQLite 3.40.0 update.
Other corrections and optimization.
Versión 3.3.16 (13/09/2022)
Avoids an error when changing events.
Avoids constant downloading of events when a championship is activated.
Avoids a complete reload of data when a championship is activated.
Avoids an error if a championship is activated but does not exist.
Avoids an error if the event is changed when a championship was previously activated.
Versión 3.3.15 (31/08/2022)
Correction of the connection to Equestre-Pro in championship mode.
Correction of the displayed championship according to the championship of the one attached.
Correction of the points of championship rounds displayed.
Correction of the championship points displayed.
Correction of the ranking in championship mode.
Other corrections and optimizations.
SQLite 3.39.2 update.
Versión 3.3.04 (07/06/2022)
- Changed the location of the configuration folder
- Correction of data synchronization with Equestre-Pro
- Separation of the championship interface and the championship management
- Corrections and optimizations
Versión 3.3.03 (26/04/2022)
- Separation of input/output access from the link with Equestre-Pro
Versión 3.2.00 (28/06/2021)
- Upgrade to version 3.2.00.
Versión 3.1.01 (21/04/2021)
New modifications and optimizations.
Versión 3.0.08 (29/07/2020)
- Update for version 3.0.08.
Versión 1.0.07 (25/06/2018)
- Added the microsoft redistributable dll.
- FEI eventing: update of the coefficient for converting dressage scores into eventing points following the new rules 2018 of FEI.
Versión 1.0.05 (13/06/2018)
- Correction of the display of non-ANSI character.
Versión 1.0.03 (24/05/2018)
- Protection key: update of the library version 1.8
Versión 1.0.02 (08/05/2018)
- Adaptation to the version 1.0 de Equestre-Pro
Versión 8.1.10 (26/02/2018)
Versión 8.0.03 (28/03/2017)
- Horses, and riders fields names: Fields name modification from Jumping-Pro are reported in connected applications.
- Withdrawal of a reinitialisation by Live-Jumping-Pro and Display-Jumping-Pro of data sent by Jumping-Pro.
Versión 8.0.02 (20/03/2017)
- for the rankings of an event, display of non-classified in "GRID_RANKING"
- Adaptation to version 8 of Jumping-Pro
Versión 7.0.07 (06/09/2016)
The provisional ranking does not display the not classified competitors in at least one test
Versión 7.0.05 (29/08/2016)
Adding of the cross discipline
Versión 7.0.04 (24/03/2016)
- Correction of the ranking of the competition after a jump-off against the clock.
Versión 7.0.03 (24/03/2016)
- Correction of errors when the the "Ranking Type" was switched from "Competition" to "Round" ranking during the timing of the second round.
Versión 7.0.00 (18/03/2016)
- According to the chosen language, the fields names for horses and riders are loaded from the corresponding language file. These fields names can be modified only from Jumping-Pro, in the window "Manage Horses" after having configurated the desired language.
- In a "2 stages Competition at differed time", the column "Points" is now already filled during the first stage and displays the addition of points during the second stage, instead of being filled only after the end of the second phase.
- In a "2 stages Competition at differed time", the ranking now remains displayed in the "GRID_RANKING" of Display- after closing the timing window of Jumping-Pro.
Versión 6.0.13 (29/07/2015)
- Eventing: correction of the display of the eventing ranking and the cross ranking.
- Cross: time displayed with format hour-minutes-seconds instead of the total of seconds.
Versión 6.0.10 (11/06/2015)
- Display of the newly added status "Disqualified".
Versión 6.0.09 (19/05/2015)
- Dressage: new data fields for the details of the final result and the details for each judge.
Versión 6.0.08 (06/05/2015)
- Correction when switching to another arena.
Versión 6.0.06 (06/05/2015)
- Addition of a grid with the next competitors at start in reverse order.
- Dressage: possibility to display data of competitors on track, start lists and rankings.
Versión 6.0.03 (21/04/2015)
- New possibility to display successively the results of several arenas.
- New possibility to display Show jumping data in an Eventing Competition. Possibility to display the Eventing points total.
- New possibility to display the Eventing ranking.
Versión 6.0.01 (02/04/2015)
- Correction of the optimum time ranking.
Versión 6.0.00 (18/03/2015)
- Addition of a red or green light for the validaty of Meetings directory and a red or green light for the connection to timing.
- Addition of a button enabling to enter the newtork address of the timing computer and record of this address.
- Display of results data for Optimum time competitions.
Versión 5.0.01 (21/03/2014)
- Correction of nation flags download.
- Restoration of the recording of user setup (language, position, delay for each page, etc.).
Versión 5.0.00 (20/02/2014)
- Software recast: Update of user controls (buttons, entering, grids, etc.), internet exchanges, read/write of files, etc.
Versión 4.1.00 (26/07/2013)
Change in the time and faults databases format (4.1): to enable the recording of the penalties details beyond 20 obstacles (and up to 24 obstacles).
Versión 4.0.03 (25/04/2013)
The information type "Position ... of start list" now always displays the position in the start list of the first round (instead of the current round or jumpoff).
Versión 3.1.00 (12/09/2012)